Short CV of Organizers (in alphabetical order)
Hua Wu is the chief scientist of Baidu NLP and the chair of Baidu technicalcommittee. Her primary research areas are machine translation and dialogue systems, and she has also worked on question answering, knowledge graph, and distributed representation. She served as program co-chair of ACL 2014, chaired international conferences such as ACL and IJCAI, and the program co-chair of AACL 2020.
moreJingtuo Liu is the chief architect of Computer Vision Technology Department (VIS) of Baidu Inc. His research interest includes face detection, landmark localization, anti-spoof, recognition, OCR, model compression and NAS.He has several publications in top computer vision conferences and won the winner prizes of famous challenges such as Wider Challenge and VOT. His team has achieved top performance on Widerface, LFW, FDDB and ICDAR2015 for several times.